The Wise Old Wizard

by David Luebbert
The Wise Old Wizard
David Luebbert
Digital Art - 2d/3d Digital Painting
From the book, The Soul's Upward Yearning, by Father Robert Spitzer:
"Carl Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who started the school of analytical psychology. Though a student of Sigmund Freud, he disagreed with him, particularly in the area of empirical reductionistic method, believing that the psyche, particularly the unconscious, is beyond strict materialism. Jung believed that the unconscious dimension of the human psyche comes into the world with "archetypes", presumably from heredity. Since archetypes affect the dreams of children and adults in similar ways in virtually every culture, Jung believed that they came from a common heritage refined through thousands of generations. He calls this trans-generational common heritage "the collective unconscious". Since many of the archetypes are found not only in dreams, but also in myths, a brief look at Jung's theory will prove helpful.
"For Jung, archetypes are not images or symbols per se; they are the potential for symbols (that is, the potential that translates an image into a symbol when actualized in the conscious mind). Since they are "potentials" in the unconscious, they can only be deduced from dreams, rituals, myths, and art. These unconscious potentials have meanings that are essential for knowing one's place in the world and the cosmos, one's meaning in this life and the next, and one's relationships with others and God. When these unconscious potentials surface within the conscious psyche, they attach themselves to images, enabling these images to convey the archetype's meaning.
"Some prevalent archetypal figures are great mother, father, child, devil, god, wise old man, wise old woman, the trickster, and the hero. We can see several of these archetypes within ancient and contemporary myths (such as those of Tolkien, Rowling and Lucas)..."
This is mostly a 3D rendered scene with the artist's wizard model, made with ZBrush, and finished by adding some digital effects and hand painted touch ups with Corel Painter.
January 26th, 2016