Enola Gay

by David Luebbert
Enola Gay
David Luebbert
Painting - 2d/3d Digital Painting
The Enola Gay is a Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber, named for Enola Gay Tibbets, the mother of the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets, who selected the aircraft while it was still on the assembly line. On 6 August 1945, during the final stages of World War II, it became the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb. The bomb, code-named "Little Boy", was targeted at the city of Hiroshima, Japan, and caused unprecedented destruction. Enola Gay participated in the second atomic attack as the weather reconnaissance aircraft for the primary target of Kokura. Clouds and drifting smoke resulted in Nagasaki being bombed instead.
Painted by the artist on the Wacom Cintiq display with stylus using Corel Painter.
Revised version, July 4, 2016.
David finishes his prints in very high resolution, so even large size prints will have great smoothness, sharpness and details. His monitor is color calibrated, so for a person viewing this image with a calibrated screen, the ordered print will look very close to it. Visit the LouBear Pixels gallery, loubear.pixels.com, for many more forms of printing... puzzles, lifestyle, stationery, beach, coffee mugs, apparel. Use the CODE at Pixels for an artist discount.
David has always been good at sketching exactly what he sees and as faithfully as possible, that is, if he can see it first, this has become his ADVENTURE, once he helps that subject become reality, he finds something else he has not created before, something that he yearns to paint. For David, style and technique are secondary in importance to the subject, making them transparent, so the subject can form completely as it should without him interjecting his own personality. The joy of creating, the love of the Creator and appreciation of Creation itself is what drives this whole process, more than anything else. Starting with an idea, a concept, he starts sketching, imagining, studying, creating the subject and composition, then develops the idea into his painting. The adventure of creation is not about David, it is about letting the creation come into existence, and his sole goal as an artist is to experience the joy of creating something fun or enjoyable, and to be able to share those creation experiences with all others.
August 6th, 2015